Friday, June 12, 2009

FloW Hot PunTo Net!! La Pagina Mas Rankia. This Website here is the greatest thing I've ever ran into for all types of music. I use it more for my Spanish music though. This website here has all the latest hottest songs out. It even has songs that hasnt hit the streets or radio stations yet. If your looking for new music and cant find anything on youtube or lime wire hit this spot. Garentee you wont be disapointed trust me. This site has it all. It even has artist that havent came out yet. So if you want to listen to some new tuff, hard Puerto Rican reggaeton or some pumpin Domincan bachata hit this site. It has english music toso dont stunt on my niggas on flowhot give it a shot show them some love it realy is helpful. The direct link to this site is

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