Friday, June 12, 2009

De La Ghetto

De La Ghetto one of reggaetons greatest. He has so many hits solo and with Arcangel, Jowell y Randy and much more. He is one of my favorites im always listening to his music. He knows what many of us Puerto Ricans have been through. The sttruggle the pain all the life sympthoms and puts them in music were we all could relate too. Planning on listening to differnt music and a differnt artist this is your man to go to. He has songs with Sean Kingston as well. He switches flows like no tommorow. Jumps into the english language and back to the spanish so everyone couyld understand were hes comming from. This artist to me is very real with his lyrics. You have to go through it to belive it and he's gone through it and he speaks it thats what i like about him. So listen to my man De La Ghetto he gets it in all jokes aside.

Heres one of my favorites by De La Ghetto- Tu Te imaginas

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